why would married people screw in a hotel.
got to be couples that hook for one night stands or whatever and ofcourse not married I want to do sex with my lover in a rental hotel.is it legal to do sex in an unmarried couple in a hotel room?
Sex between the two without being married is called an illicit liaison which is taboo in the society and law also forbids it. So now having sex in a rented house or any damn solitary place even atop the hill is illegal. Such clandestine activities are to be done on the sly without asking anyone. So do not wait for others opinion or legal consent and just give free rein to your yen for the sex and enjoy it to the hilt. But do not forget to take the precautions against STD and unwanted pregnancy and yes, just steer clear of prying eyes of the inquisitive society lest they create spoilsport to your fun or defame you. I want to do sex with my lover in a rental hotel.is it legal to do sex in an unmarried couple in a hotel room?
It is not illegal as long as you as above 18 year. It may also be considered as immoral given that you are not married. As you know God allows only the married to enjoy sex. So watch your morals. Remember Gos loves you and has given you your body. Treat your body as the temple of God.
of course its its legal. cheap hotels havent lost their turnon. why do you think some hotels rent by the hour??
my advice to you is get a nice hotel, dont get a cheap one, get a nice and safe one. with camera surveillance. you dont want your car stereo gone when your through,or worse have some crackhead break in and ruin your life. request some space from other guests. if she is not there, tell them you dont want to disturb anyone. that will make the night perfect. you dont want some inconsiderate fool complaining cuz yall are making more noise than the tv he's tryna watch lol
i recently stayed at a super 8 for two months. i cant remember how many people they put in the room right next to mine who were gettn it on loud!!
lol! yes unless ur paying for it then its prostitution unless ur going to a legal brothel/hotel to do it..another story all together..
your not lover if there no sex. and why ask . you must be kids and in that case no you can;t have sex
of course its legal as long as you pay for the hotel. Good luck and remember no glove no love.
Yes it is legal !
Have fun Expirience life !!
Well, if it were the jails would be full. Go for it;
Hell yes. And I fear for the day it isn't.
lol yes do whatever you wish
how are are you? if you have to ask then NO!!!!
depends on your age are you old enough to rent a motel?
lol...you are funny.that's how they make their money!
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